Does Shared Hosting Affect SEO?

Hakan Örcün
2 min readJul 21, 2021

Today we will address an important topic and clarify whether shared servers affect SEO.

For a small business website, fair housing is when multiple websites are hosted on the same server or IP address. The alternative is dedicated hosting when a server or IP address is reserved for a single website. This is extremely reasonable and fundamental to the website.

This is a very common configuration.And it’s vital for the web because there are only a limited number of IP addresses available. It is also noteworthy that it is often impossible to tell from the outside how a website is actually hosted. Is it a single server, a group of servers, a single data center, or even multiple data centers? Using shared hosting is perfectly fine and won’t have any negative impact on your website in Google searches.

But there is something to consider.

Sometimes when too many websites are hosted on a system with limited capacity, the server may be overloaded which can make the servers and their websites very slow, but the same can happen with dedicated hosting. The website hosted on a slow server makes users unhappy and can make crawling difficult.

To be clear, a dedicated server is not always fast, and a shared server is not necessarily slow. Another concern we sometimes hear is that other malfunctioning websites might be hosted on the same server.

SEO’s sometimes call this a server in a bad neighborhood. This is not something that worries me. In practice, the most common hosting providers do this themselves. In general, there is a wide range of websites hosted on shared hosting, some great and some bad too.This is fine and unproblematic for Google.

Google will use each website at its own discretion.Not based on your virtual neighbors.

Finally, the use of shared hosting is perfectly acceptable to Google. You don’t need to switch to dedicated hosting or dedicated IP addresses for SEO purposes.

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