SEO Advice from Google for New Pages

Hakan Örcün
4 min readAug 1, 2021

Google Webmaster Central YouTube Channel has posted a video on Jun 30, 2021.In the video,Mr. John Muller gives clear answers about how long it takes for a new Web page to gain visibility with SEO.

As an expert, I knew that these approaches should be on every website.I’m sure these approaches, along with the content Google publishes, are vital. What we need to do to understand Google’s expectations, we will cover this in this article.

In addition, if you are only interested in how to optimize your website, the following is vital and referenced from Google’s own sources.

We will focus on two parts here,indexing and how to speed things up.

First however, two short discleimers.

  1. There is no gaureantee that Google will index any partucalerly page.In fact most search don’t index a lot of the content on the web.On the one hand,there is a lot of duplicate content on the web.That doesn’t need to be indexed.On the other hand there a lot of content there is unlikely to ever be seen by users.So is not useful to index it.
  2. The other descleimer is , that even when something is indexed.It’s not neseserly show to users.And it can drop out index over time.

After understanding the disclaimers that Google has presented to us, we can move on to optimization.

When a new page is published from the website,it can take anywhere from severel hours or several weeks it to be indexed.

In practise,I suspect most good content is picked up and indexed within about a week.Sometime there are technical issues on the web that make it take longer.And sonetimes it’s just that our systems are busy with other things.

There are few things you can do to help speed this up.

1)Prevent Sever Overload

Make sure that your server can handle a reasoneble number a requests in a timely way.When your server slows down,search engines tand to slow down as well.

If the search engine bots detect your server overload while scanning your site a few times, you may experience a rapid decline. If you are a new site, you will not gain ranking and visibility.

2) Make New Internal Link Link Prominent

Link to your new pages promeinently within your website.The easier system can recognize that you think this is an importent page tha easier it is for them to prioritize crawling and indexing of it.
For example if your website is an e-commarce website it helps to system to find links to your new products on your homepage.So we dont have to crawl through several layers of categories to find them.

3) Avoid Unnecessary URL’s On Website

Avoid fill in the website with unnecessary Url’s.Every combination of filtering and ranking on your website creates different links. Although these rarely provide the most benefit, most of them are link excess and harm SEO performance.

On dynemic websites like these , work to keep functionallity open for users while preventing crawlers from getting lost.Again make it easy for systems to recognize that that your new pages are importent.

Another point that is not included in the video for this article is Crawl Budget.The resources that the search engine allocates to your site are limited. This means that Google does not guarantee to crawl every url on your site. Therefore, you can optimize Google’s crawl budget for your site by removing unnecessary urls.

4)Take Advantage of URL Submission

Then use url submission methods available to you.Use a sitemap to tell Google about new pages automaticlly.For individual urls use the impect url tool in search console.

You can set up different strategies to optimize sitemaps. You can make multiple sitemap.xml entries on Google Search Console.

5) Keep Your Sites Quality High

Last but definately not least,keep your website’s overall quality high.Taking a step back the easier it is for our systems to recognize that your website is critical for users on the web.The better they can prioritize the website for crawling and indexing.

Forcing something to be indexing does not mean google will show it prominently in search.And it is not mean that in will remain indexed.The best way to improve those parts is to make your site fantastic overall.

So in short , there are a lot of aspects that come in to play with making new pages visible in search.There is no absulute timeline for any of theese steps.And they can change over time.A part from the technical issues its also important to keep overall quality of the website in mind.

Google systems want to recommend fantastic content to users as quickly as possible.Its always worth focusing on that.

As a result, with these optimizations we will make, we can increase the crawlability and ensure that our new pages perform at the top.Each title written above has a separate strategy and technical requirements in itself. You should plan each of them separately and develop a strategy on it.

Well, if you have more technical and detailed questions, you can send me your questions through my social media accounts.

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